Poultry Excellence in China Improving Food Safety in Poultry Supply Chains
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Hongtao Lei

Poultry Excellence / ADVISORY BOARD /Hongtao Lei

Hongtao Lei, male, doctor, professor, doctoral tutor, incumbent director of South China Agricultural University Food Institute, selected national innovation talent promotion plan young and middle school science and technology innovation leader, "Guangdong special branch plan" scientific and technological innovation leading talent, Product Precision Processing and Safety Control Deputy Director of the National Joint Engineering Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, Deputy Director of the Quality and Safety Assessment Laboratory for Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products, Ministry of Agriculture, Deputy Director of the Key Laboratory of Food Quality and Safety of Guangdong Province, Deputy Director of Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture , Food and Agricultural Immunology (IF 1.392) Editorial Board, "Food Science" editorial board.

Presided over the National Natural Science Foundation of key projects, the industry public welfare (agricultural) project, the Guangdong Provincial Natural Science Foundation team project, the national "Eleventh Five-Year" science and technology support program sub-project, Guangdong Province Science and Technology Project and so on, mainly to participate in 973 projects, Science and technology support program, the state "863" and other projects more than 20 items. Editor of national planning materials 1, edited by the textbook 5. Published more than 80 academic papers, more than 20 patents authorized. In 2009 by the Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Award (2), the Chinese Agricultural Science and Technology Award (2), in 2010 by the National Science and Technology Progress Award (2), in 2014 won the national teaching achievement prize ( Third) each one.