Poultry Excellence in China Improving Food Safety in Poultry Supply Chains
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Qiuxia Chen

Poultry Excellence / ADVISORY BOARD /Qiuxia Chen

Chief physician Deputy director , Institute of Public Health Service Testing Guangdong Provincial center for disease control and prevention

Graduated from the west china university of medical science, School of public health in 1992, and took the master degree in Sun Yat-Sen University in 1999. then worked in GDCDC to engage in pathogen detection and research work about SARS and avian flu. In 2005 took a training programs in UBC, Canada for pathogen test technique. Member of Specialized committee of microbiology and immunology, of public health service test of Guangdong Prevention Medicine Association. Hold a concurrent post of Guangdong metrology accreditation and CANS biological safety laboratory accreditation.