Poultry Excellence in China Improving Food Safety in Poultry Supply Chains
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Dr. Yanbin Li was invited to speak at the International Forum on Food Science and Health


The International Forum on Food Science and Health (IFFSH) was held at Changsha, Hunan Province, China, on September 3-5, 2018. The forum covered discussions on innovations in advanced food processing and food safety/quality control technologies, food nutrigenomics in human health promotion, new development in local and traditional foods, as well as food supply chain and traceability management in E-commerce. Dr. Yanbin Li, PI of the project, Distinguished Professor of the University of Arkansas, gave a speech at the IFFSH with a title of “Biosensors for rapid detection of pathogenic bacteria and viruses in food”. Mr. Will Watts, Director of International Affairs of Wal-Mart and Dr. Zhinong Yan, Executive Director of Walmart Food Safety Collaborative Center, attended the meeting. Mr. Watts gave an invited talk on “Global food safety and food block chain in Walmart” and Dr. Yan participated in the Industrial Panel discussion.

From right: Dr. Yanbin Li, Dr. Juming Tan, Head and Professor of Department of Biosystems Engineering at Washington State University, and Dr. Howard Zhang, Director of USDA Beltsville Agricultural Research Center attended the 2018 International Forum on Food Science and Health in Changsha, China, September 3-5, 2018.

Dr. Zhinong Yan (left second) participated in the Industrial Panel discussion at the 2018 International Forum on Food Science and Health in Changsha, China, September 3-5, 2018.

Mr.Will Watts gave an invited talk at the 2018 International Forum on Food Science and Health in Changsha, China, September 3-5, 2018.