Dr. Yanbin Li attended SRA (Society for Risk Analysis) 2019 annual meeting in Arlington, VA, December 8-12, 2019. After the meeting, he visited University of Maryland and had a meeting with Dr. Jianghong Meng, Director of Joint Institute for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition (JIFSAN) and Center for Food Safety and Security Systems (CFS3) and Dr. Abani Pradhan, Associate Professor to discuss research collaboration. He also met with Dr. Cheng-i Wei, Chair of the Department of Nutrition and Food Science and some faculty and discussed food safety research. Then, Dr. Li with Dr. Pradhan visited USDA/ARS Agricultural Research Center at Beltsville, MD and met with Dr. Howard Zhang, Center Director, Dr. Sunny Luo, Research Leader of Food Quality Laboratory and Dr. Moon Kim of Environmental Microbial & Food Safety Laboratory. He discussed the potential collaboration on food safety and quality with them and toured their research laboratories in the Center.
Dr. Li (right) with Dr. Abani Pradhan (left), Associate Professor of Food Science Department at University of Maryland during SRA 2019 annual meeting.